• Abhyudaya Education Society School
    अभ्युदय एज्युकेशन सोसायटी स्कूल

Welcome to Abhyudaya Education Society School

House System

For the purpose of healthy competitive spirit and overall progress of the students, they are grouped under four house, i.e. RED, BLUE, GREEN AND YELLOW.

1) RED : Red colour denotes energy, passion, action, ambition and determination. We want our children to be passionate and energetic towards what they do.

2) BLUE : The colour blue is persistent and determined to succeed in whichever endeavors it persues. It is the colour of trust and responsibility. Hence our choice for blue colour.

3) GREEN : Green is the colour of balance and growth, harmony, prosperity and abundance of finance and material wealth.

4) YELLOW : Yellow colour denotes creativity perfectionism, spontaneity and modern outlook.

With these qualities in mind we named our houses on colours thinking our students should become the successful members of the society.

Various competitions will be conducted house wise. Students securing "A" Grade in the tests and examination also will be allotted points which will go to the respective houses teacher are selected as "House Caption". Point will be allotted only to competitions conducted in the school. The house securing maximum point will be awarded rolling trophy of the year on the annual day.

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